當前位置:北京東南儀誠電子產品維修有限公司>>羅氏roche>>試劑>> DNA Master HybProbe羅氏DNA雙雜交探針
易于使用的快速高性能 qPCR 試劑盒,適用于所有基于LightCycler ® 轉盤的儀器的HybProbe 信號傳輸。
For general laboratory use.
Pack Size:96 x 20 µL reactions 包裝尺寸:96 x 20 µL 反應
Pack Size:480 x 20 µL reactions 包裝尺寸:480 x 20 µL 反應
Easy-to-use reaction mix for PCR, using HybProbe probes with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.
易于使用的 PCR 反應混合物,使用 HybProbe 探針和 LightCycler ® 基于旋轉木馬的系統。
LightCycler® DNA Master HybProbe provides robust performance and convenience for standard PCR applications.
LightCycler ® DNA Master HybProbe 為標準 PCR 應用提供強大的性能和便利性。
LightCycler® DNA Master HybProbes
雙雜交探針® DNA主要雜交探針
MgCl2 Stock Solution, (25 mM)
MgCl 2 儲備溶液,(25 mM)
Water, PCR-grade
水,PCR 級
LightCycler® DNA Master HybProbe is an easy-to-use reaction mix for sensitive PCR applications in LightCycler® capillaries, using HybProbe probes as detection format. The kit can be used to perform quantitative PCR, as well as SNP and mutation detection. The addition of MgCl2 (provided in the kit) for specific applications may be necessary.
LightCycler ® DNA Master HybProbe 是一種易于使用的反應混合物,適用于 LightCycler ® 毛細管中的靈敏 PCR 應用,使用 HybProbe 探針作為檢測形式。該試劑盒可用于進行定量 PCR,以及 SNP 和突變檢測。 可能需要為特定應用添加 MgCl 2(在套件中提供)。
The unique LightCycler® HybProbe format is based on the principle of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Two sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes, labeled with different dyes (donor and acceptor), are added to the reaction mix in addition to PCR primers. HybProbe probes hybridize to the target sequences on the amplified DNA fragment during the annealing phase in a head-to-tail arrangement, thereby bringing the two dyes into close proximity. The donor dye (fluorescein) is excited by the blue light LED source and the energy emitted by the donor dye excites the acceptor dye attached to the second HybProbe probe, which then emits fluorescent light at a different wavelength. The amount of fluorescence is directly proportional to the amount of target DNA generated during the PCR process.
Note: All LightCycler® Master Mixes have been specifically developed to function in LightCycler® Capillaries and provide optimal performance and sensitivity.
*的 LightCycler ® HybProbe 格式基于熒光共振能量轉移 (FRET) 原理。除了 PCR 引物外,還向反應混合物中加入了兩種序列特異性寡核苷酸探針,用不同染料(供體和受體)標記。HybProbe 探針在退火階段以頭對尾的方式與擴增的 DNA 片段上的目標序列雜交,從而使兩種染料接近。供體染料(熒光素)被藍光 LED 光源激發,供體染料發射的能量激發附著在第二個 HybProbe 探針上的受體染料,然后發射不同波長的熒光。熒光量與 PCR 過程中產生的目標 DNA 量成正比。
注意: 所有 LightCycler® 預混液均經過專門開發,可在 LightCycler® 毛細管中發揮作用并提供最佳性能和靈敏度。
Quality 質量
The LightCycler® DNA Master HybProbe is function tested using the LightCycler® Control Kit DNA, according to the kit protocols.
根據試劑盒協議,LightCycler ® DNA Master HybProbe 使用 LightCycler ® Control Kit DNA進行功能測試。